Assignment #6: Polar Opposites

Their are so many polar opposites in the world (hot/cold, sun/moon, day/night, earth/sky, fire/ice, big/small). Yet, when I thought about polar opposites in my life, I thought about the different emotions that one can go through. Two opposite emotions for people, are happy and sad. Yes, anyone can feel joy and laughter. Yes, anyone can feel sad. Yet, what do these emotions truly signify and hold within them. When I think happiness, I think of myself surrounded by friends, laughter, and family. When I think about sadness, I think about stress, anxiety, and hardship. The two simple words sad and happy hold so much more to them than me be apparent at first glance. When I captured these photos, i wanted to see the emotions behind each photo. In the first photo, the girl is happy, showing her silly side. This represents all the joy and laughter in life. In the second photo, the girl is crying, with a tear rolling down her face. In addition, she is looking down at the ground, almost as if she is looking for hope. The photos extend beyond the girl. The empty space on the sides represents all the events behind this strong emotion. The memories, the hardships, etc. When originally creating this, I put colors to the background of each emotion. When I later thought about it, not one color can signify the thoughts behind happy and sad. Happy and sad is a mixture of everything, not signified by one single event. The lack of color, allows to viewer to interpret what evolved with each emotion. Overall, I am very satisfied with how my polar opposites work turned out.


  1. I'm pleased you went back to the black and white images...nice. I appreciate your explanation as well.


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